IShenzhen University General Hospital

IShenzhen University General Hospital yisibhedlela jikelele seGrade-3, iShenzhen Medical Insurance esibekelwe isibhedlela, futhi yisibhedlela sokuqala esixhumene ngqo neShenzhen University.

Misa umnyango

Njengamanje, iminyango engama-25 yemitholampilo kanye neminyango eyi-10 yobuchwepheshe bezokwelapha isunguliwe.

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Ipulatifomu yocwaningo lwesayensi

Amapulatifomu amathathu kazwelonke elabhoratri: Isikhungo Sikazwelonke Sokucwaninga Ngezobunjiniyela Sezobuchwepheshe, iNational and Local Joint Engineering Laboratories for Key Technologies of Medical Ultrasound, National and local joint engineering laboratory for key technology of medical synthetic biology application.

Isisekelo esisodwa sokubambisana kwezesayensi nezobuchwepheshe basekhaya nakwamanye amazwe: Isisekelo sokucwaninga nentuthuko yamazwe omhlaba sokugomela umuthi wesifo somdlavuza.

Amapulatifomu ayisithupha e-laboratory ayisihluthulelo: I-Guangdong key Laboratory of Biomedical Information testing and Ultrasonic Imaging, Guangdong key Laboratory of Genome Stability and Disease Prevention and treatment, Guangdong Provincial key Laboratory of tissue and Organ Regional Immunization and Disease, Guangdong standardized Allergen Engineering Technology Technology Center, IGuangdong Medical Electronic instrument instrument Transformation Engineering Technology Research Center, iGuangdong Natural molecule encane I-Innovation Drug Engineering Technology Research Center;

ILebhu eyodwa yeNobel Prize eShenzhen: I-Marshall Biomedical Engineering Laboratory yaseShenzhen University;

Amapulatifomu angu-14 kamasipala elebhu.

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